Wann: Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021

Quelle: zapp2photo - Adobe Stock
Wie können Anwendungen Künstlicher Intelligenz verbraucherfreundlich reguliert werden und welchen Einfluss haben völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen aus internationalen Handelsabkommen auf eine europäische Algorithmenregulierung? Zu diesem Thema lädt der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband zu einer englischsprachigen Online-Veranstaltung ein:
How should we design EU trade law to enable a high-level of consumer protection when it comes to AI technologies? How can we ensure that consumers will benefit from AI innovation and international trade? vzbv will present a study that analyses the EU proposal on source code and puts it into perspective with the regulatory options on AI that are currently debated in the European Union.
When? Tuesday, 26 January, 18.00-19.30
Where? Online via Webex
Registration: To register, please send an email to buero-bruessel@vzbv.de. Deadline for registrations is 25 January 2021. The Webex-Link will be sent to participants on the day of the workshop.
Welcome by Svenja Hahn MEP
Introduction by Klaus Müller, Executive Director, vzbv
Presentation of the study by Prof Kristina Irion, University of Amsterdam
Reactions from INTA and IMCO committees:
Anna Cavazzini MEP, Chair IMCO committee
Bernd Lange MEP, Chair INTA committee
Christophe Hansen MEP, INTA committee (tbc)
Reaction from the European Commission
Christophe Kiener, Head of Unit Services and Digital Trade, DG TRADE
Concluding remarks by Svenja Hahn MEP
Today, algorithmic decision-making is an integral part of many digital services such as online shopping, social media applications and it is also used in financial services, to name just a few. To protect consumers from harmful Artificial Intelligence (AI) practices such as (price) discrimination, improper consumer information and algorithmic biases, the European Commission will propose rules on AI transparency early this year.
But as AI applications are often supplied cross-border from outside the EU, it is not only EU regulation itself that is of interest but also the design of trade disciplines. Members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) currently discuss plurilateral rules on e-commerce. These negotiations also include disciplines on the non-disclosure of source code. Whilst being predominantly referred to as a tool against forced technology transfer, it needs to be ensured that national and European rules on AI transparency cannot be impeded.
This is why Svenja Hahn MEP and the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv) invite you to an online briefing to give a consumer perspective on the intersection between source code disciplines and AI-regulation in the European Union. When addressing source code in the WTO e-commerce negotiations and bilateral trade agreements, it needs to be ensured that national spaces for regulation are not prematurely limited and that a high-level of consumer protection and transparency of algorithms can be introduced and maintained in the EU.
By registering for the event you consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with vzbv's privacy policy. You can object to the storing and processing of your data at any time by sending an email to datenschutz@vzbv.de