Datum: 30.08.2018

Breakfast debate about New Deal for Consumers

Challenges and perspectives for the enforcement and modernisation of EU consumer protection rules

Wann: Donnerstag, 30. August 2018

New Deal for Consumers: Verbraucher sollen leichter zu ihrem Recht kommen

Quelle: Photographeeeu - Fotolia.com


Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv), the Federation of German Consumer Organisations, hosts the following breakfast debate:

“A New Deal for Consumers: Challenges and perspectives for the enforcement and modernisation of EU consumer protection rules”

On 11 April 2018, the European Commission has released its “New Deal for Consumers”. We are pleased to host a discussion about the proposed reforms aiming at the modernisation of the consumer acquis. Moreover, we would like to present empirical data collected by the German consumer associations demonstrating consumer problems linked to the right to withdrawal.

Thursday, 30 August 2018 from 08h00-10h00

BEUC office, Rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Brussels

To register, please send an email to buero-bruessel@vzbv.de until 27 August 2018.



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Isabelle Buschke

Isabelle Buscke

Leiterin Büro Brüssel

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +32 491379-381


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Thomas Bobinger

Referent Team Brüssel

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +32 491 9050-57


Christiane Seidel

Christiane Seidel

Leiterin Team Lebensmittel

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0