

More clarity and truth about food

Misrepresentation, inadequate checks, low quality standards: time and again, negligence and greed for profit lead to scandals in the food industry. Consumers want healthy food that they can afford. This is why we call for end-to-end documentation of production and processing, as well as clear, accurate labelling of goods. What is contained in the food must also be written on the label. What is written on the label must also be contained in the food. Finally, the label needs to be easy to understand.

Unsere Expert:innen zum Thema


Christiane Seidel

Christiane Seidel

Team Leader Food

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0


Jochen Geilenkirchen

Jochen Geilenkirchen

Policy Officer Sustainable Consumption

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0


Sabrina Göddertz

Sabrina Göddertz

Policy Officer Team Food

info@vzbv.de +49 (30) 258 00-0


Jutta Jaksche

Jutta Jaksche

Policy Officer Team Food

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0


Carolin Krieger

Carolin Krieger

Policy Officer Team Food

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0


Stephanie Wetzel

Stephanie Wetzel

Project Coordinator "Food Transparency"

info@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0


Lisa Völkel

Lisa Völkel

Policy Officer Team Food

info@vzbv.de +49 (30) 258 00-0

Alles zum Thema: Food

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