

For a consumer-friendly European Single Market

Consumer demand represents a substantial pillar of the European economy. Consumers have borne the many burdens of the European financial crisis and the public debt crisis. As a result, their interests should be at the heart of European Single Market policy and harmonisation efforts. When it comes to negotiating free trade agreements, we are committed to upholding tried-and-trusted consumer protection standards, particularly the EU precautionary principle.

Unsere Expert:innen zum Thema


Isabelle Buschke

Isabelle Buscke

Head of Brussels Office

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +32 491379-381


Zu sehen ist auf hellem Grund der rot gezeichnete Rahmen einer Person.

Thomas Bobinger

Policy Officer Brussels Office

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +32 491 9050-57


Zu sehen ist auf hellem Grund der rot gezeichnete Rahmen einer Person.


Policy Officer Brussels Office

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +49 3025800-362


Ann-Katrin Hamacher

Ann-Katrin Hamacher

Policy Officer International Trade Policy

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +49 30 25800-0

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