Zu sehen ist eine Frau in einem Unverpacktladen. Sie füllt gerade Beeren ab. Hinter ihr ist eine Reihe imt Spendern für Cerialien.

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Sustainable consumption

Those who want to consume sustainably have a hard time: there is a lack of sustainable products, transparency and information. Labels which are supposed to provide orientation, are often unreliable guides. Moreover, the responsibility for sustainable consumption must not be shifted to consumers alone.

Only with the help of the right framework conditions and a shared responsibility between government, economic actors and consumers can sustainable consumption be anchored in the social mainstream. All sectors need clear and legally binding standards for socially and ecologically responsible production. The government must monitor these standards and sanction violations.

Individual consumers cannot correct the numerous shortcomings in supply chains with their consumption decisions at the end of the chain. That is why sustainable consumption requires not only reliable labels but also ambitious social and ecological minimum standards for production.

vzbv demands

  • the introduction of EU rules for due diligence obligations in supply chains
  • ambitious legal minimum standards for sustainability labels that ensure reliable consumer information
  • a package of political measures that improves and continuously develops the economic framework for sustainable consumption
  • a discussion throughout society on the political and economic framework conditions for sustainable consumption.
